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  • esr12
  • ESR CryoBoost MagSafe chargers to eliminate overheating while charging! 

    Solved! No more hot iPhones while charging with a MagSafe Wireless Charger.

    Almost every iPhone user that charges with MagSafe has complained about how their devices get incredibly hot within a few minutes of commencing charging. Have you had the experience, too? You were worried that if this overheating does not stop, it might damage your battery. 

    Your worries are not baseless because excessive heat and optimum battery performance are not friends. If you often charge with MagSafe and your iPhone keeps getting hot, it may quickly spell doom for your iPhone’s battery.

    CryoBoos by ESR : An Innovation that Works

    One innovative answer to the overheating problem that occurs while charging with a MagSafe charger was conceived by ESR. Codenamed CryoBoost, this technology helps to dissipate heat and cool your iPhone through its inbuilt fan. The result is faster charging and a “healthy” battery that has worked for many years. Look no further if you’re wondering where to get these MagSafe products with CryoBoost to cool and charge your iPhone faster. You can find all ESR products in our dealer webshop.

    ESR CryoBoost MagSafe chargers to eliminate overheating while charging!